Common Questions:

  • We are an open book - ask away. No question is too simple or too invasive. The hope of this website is to add a few more data points to your due diligence process.

  • Drew Pearson spent 10 years as a commercial investment sales agent selling over $100 MM of investment property across the USA. In 2015, he moved to Ann Arbor, MI to work as head of acquisitions for a private equity real estate firm overseeing the purchase of another $75 MM of real estate. In 2018, Pearson Partners was founded when Mr. Pearson returned home to Louisiana. For an in-depth conversation please listen to Season 2 Episode 1 of the Pearson Perspective.

  • As of 2022, we have sold only one property which was 1st Stop Storage Brookhaven. We instituted our “lights, camera, paint, action!” plan. Due to God’s grace and market timing, we sold the asset making over a 100% annual return. This is not typical and should not be expected.

  • Yes, you can speak to a few of our investors but we ask that this is the last verification step before investing. Out of respect for our investors’ time, we do not want to bombard them.

  • No, we have not lost any personal or investor money.

  • No we have not asked for additional funds to date. While this may happen in the future, we strive to be very conservative in our underwriting.

  • Our current portfolio is performing well. Occupancies average over 90%. In addition to occupancy, we track past due collections, economic occupancy, and new customer leads. We will be happy to provide profit & loss statements or management summaries upon request.

  • We learned that communication and relationships matter. In times of uncertainty it is best to lead from the front and act with kindness. We offered tenants reduced rent for a period of time and negotiated with our lenders 90-day interest-only periods to build cash reserves and prepare for the future.

  • The majority of Mr. Pearson’s family net worth is invested right beside yours. On average he will invest 10 -20% of the required equity. Skin in the game is important.

  • Pearson Partners receives an acquisition fee, disposition fee, and a percentage of the deal for the work required to buy, secure financing, and manage the asset. All fees are clearly outlined in the particular deal prospectus. All stated investor returns are net any fees to Pearson Partners.

  • Investors receive their first distribution 60-90 days after closing. If the project involves heavy construction this timeline may be extended depending on the business plan. Distributions are made via direct ACH each month on the 15th.

  • Please reach out to our office to receive our confidential investor strategy deck which includes our track record and returns.